wow / commands

Posted by: on Friday, November 13th, 2020

Most of these commands will work right out the bat by default. Syntax: .npc whisper #playerguid #text Make the selected npc whisper #text to #playerguid. Syntax: .server plimit [#num|-1|-2|-3|reset|player|moderator|gamemaster|administrator] Without arg show current player amount and security level limitations for login to server, with arg set player linit ($num > 0) or securiti limitation ($num < 0 or security leme name. Syntax: .tele del $name Remove location with name $name for .tele command locations list. Syntax: .modify phase #phasemask Selected character phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update. Syntax: .go xyz #x #y [#z [#mapid [#orientation]]] Teleport player to point with (#x,#y,#z) coordinates at map #mapid with orientation #orientation. If no reason is provided, default is “No Reason”. If no character is selected, hide or reveal all routes to you.Visited taxi nodes sill accessible after removing access. Gameobject state saved to DB and persistent. If no $playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you. Syntax: .reload all quest Reload all quest related tables if reload support added for this table and this table can be _safe_ reloaded. Syntax: .reload skinning_loot_template Reload skinning_loot_template table. Use #exit_code or 0 as program exit code. Subject and mail text must be in “”. If for itemid not provided related count values then expected 1, if count > max items in stack then items will be send in required amount stacks. Syntax: .npc $subcommand Type .npc to see the list of possible subcommands or .help npc $subcommand to see info on subcommands. Syntax: .modify honor $amount Add $amount honor points to the selected player. join This works only with one character! Syntax: .reload creature_template $entry Reload the specified creature’s template. Syntax: .server motd Show server Message of the day. Syntax: .npc set phase #phasemask Selected unit or pet phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update for players. Syntax: .learn all lang Learn all languages. This addon is very simple, but provides a nice set of functionality. If referenced config option disabled (use 0 value) then command can’t be used without #keepDays. Syntax: .pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename. When using this without #name it will freeze your target. If selected non-player then command applied to self. Teleport your character to creature with this name. If #numberoflevels is 0, the same level will be restarted. Syntax: .ban character $Name $bantime $reason Ban character and kick player. Syntax: .reload creature_loot_template Reload creature_loot_template table. Syntax: .lookup map $namepart Looks up a map by $namepart, and returns all matches with their map ID’s. Syntax: .npc playemote #emoteid Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid. Syntax: .guid Display the GUID for the selected character. If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. .go creature #creature_name Syntax: .reload config Reload config settings (by default stored in trinityd.conf). Returns details about specified ticket. If no player is selected, modify your rage. /console settingname [newsetting] For tweaking of game settings. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. $loglevel can take the values: disabled (0), trace (1), debug (2), info (3), warn (4), error (5) or fatal (6). Syntax: .gobject turn #goguid Set for gameobject #goguid orientation same as current character orientation. Syntax: .wpgps Output current position to sql developer log as partial SQL query to be used in pathing. Output item guids, item owner guid, owner account and owner name (guild name and guid in case guild bank). Syntax: .reload autobroadcast Reload autobroadcast table. Syntax: .titles add #title Add title #title (id or shift-link) to known titles list for selected player. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Syntax: .modify arenapoints #value Add $amount arena points to the selected player. Syntax: .wp load $pathid Load pathid number for selected creature. - /chat,/chathelp - Displays a list of commonly used chat commands. Syntax: .server shutdown #delay [#exit_code] Shut the server down after #delay seconds. If you don’t know what TrinityCore is, don’t worry. Syntax: .debug play sound #soundid Play sound with #soundid. Syntax: .damage $damage_amount [$school [$spellid]] Apply $damage to target. Syntax: .reload gm_tickets Reload gm_tickets table. Thanks to Esamynn for Astrolabe, which used to do the bulk of the work in this addon, before Blizzard changed the mapping system. Syntax: .debug bg Toggle debug mode for battlegrounds. You can modify your gold amount, you can add a morph to your character, you can add npcs, you can even modify your character scale, add yourself items and so much more! Syntax: .gobject activate #guid Activates an object like a door or a button. Guild name must in quotes. Logout to the character selection screen. The Ignore command will also ignore emotes. Exit code 0. If ‘trigered’ or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. If #max_count not provided use 10 as default value. Syntax: .reload all loot Reload all `*_loot_template` tables. Syntax: .gobject delete #go_guid Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid. /ghelp - For a list of guild commands. Syntax: .maxskill Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level. Usage: .ticket unassign $ticketid. Syntax: .pet unlean unLearn #spellid to pet. Syntax: .server idlerestart cancel Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any. Syntax: .notify $MessageToBroadcast Send a global message to all players online in screen. Syntax: .reload all locales Reload all `locales_*` tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded. Syntax: .npc set level #level Change the level of the selected creature to #level. Syntax: .guild rank [$CharacterName] #Rank Set for player $CharacterName (or selected) rank #Rank in a guild. Options NamePlates overNames - Return nameplates over the head underNames - Reposition nameplates under the feet Head Movement - Camera follows … Syntax: .nameannounce $announcement. Syntax: .unmute [$playerName] Restore chat messaging for any character from account of character $playerName (or selected). Syntax: .modify bit #field #bit Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player. Syntax: .event stop #event_id Stop event #event_id. Syntax: .reload all item Reload page_text, item_enchantment_table tables. Syntax: .reload reserved_name Reload reserved_name table. Syntax: .reload item_loot_template Reload item_loot_template table. Syntax: .gm fly [on/off] Enable/disable gm fly mode. Syntax: .go graveyard #graveyardId Teleport to graveyard with the graveyardId specified. Syntax: .debug Mod32Value #field #value Add #value to field #field of your character. Syntax: .gm list Display a list of all Game Masters accounts and security levels. . Syntax: .send message $playername $message Send screen message to player from ADMINISTRATOR. Does not delete permanently. Syntax: .aura #spellid Add the aura from spell #spellid to the selected Unit. Usage: .ticket comment $ticketid $comment. After this target character can go and get quest reward. Syntax: .reload locales_gameobject Reload locales_gameobject table. /em (alias '/me') - Creates an emote. Syntax: .baninfo account $accountid Watch full information about a specific ban.

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